Ibn Battuta man is Shams al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Abdullah, the son of Abraham, who Tunja, known as Ibn Battuta. Senior international travelers. Born in Tangier (February 24, 1304 m / 17 Rajab 703 AH), the family gave birth to some of the men remained jurisprudence where that was twenty-second. We do not know anything about the conditions in this city, but what shows through his words, he was living with his parents and many friends in comfort and tranquility. Did not pass immigration in mind, to be called unnecessary pilgrimage Elymkh, Vbeh
Left in Tangier (June 14, 1325 m), meaning to Mecca. But not only this trip, but Otalha even more Gap inhabited world in that era, as we will mention in detail in our words on travelers. It was traveling from obtaining much honor, so he appointed a judge to the Sultan of Dehli, Muhammad Shah, then ambassador to the Sultan at China King.
And then returned to his homeland, entered the city of Fez in (8 October AD 1349). The Kfar usurp the Indians in one of his travels, he lost all what he had written information.
Not overlooking its place even made a trip back to the Spanish returned them after a short period to Fez.
And he had to be the first visitor without his information from the jungles of Africa, medium, Fastad completed by the third trip in two years (1352 1354). He visited the country of Sudan until he reached Timbuktu, and Takeda, and Hecar, then returned to Fez.
It was then the Prince Sultan Marrakech Annan father of the children of Marin, call him Ibn Battuta, and resided in his entourage, he saw what happens people of the wonders and curiosities, they are surprised. Sultan Vodzl his talent, and submit to him that codifies this news and many scenes, Vomllagha writer Sultan bin Mohammed al-Adeeb rewarded canine. Of written and ended in February (1356), and called it "a masterpiece of the principals in the oddity of the regions, and the wonders of travel." Ibn Battuta lived and then honored in the country of Fez, to his death in 1377
Ibn Battuta was, on what appears in his journey, fluffy feeling, impressionable, devout and pious, honorable men of God, loving to his parents. The conservation of these emotions in all his travels, was a little of all of the Senate saw them and ascetics, devotees and the poor, and discourage them, and ask their blessings. Also provides all what they hear about the good and the righteous of facilities and endowments and other shelters, praying that God may reward the men of charity good spot. How many times we've seen seek blessing the graves of the Patriarchs. Shrines and righteous, and spend the night in the corners. The pilgrimage to Mecca four times, which does not cease to mention what earned it from good things because of it.
It was morally and religiously we educate in stages traveling. He learns something from indigenous languages which are visited, and benefit from the righteous sermons, worship and mystics.
As his love for his parents appears evident, in his introduction, stating that it left them. They are alive in the "faulting to Saba and beyond, and received, as measured, separation of a monument." It is no longer his first year (1349), even heard that his mother died, grieved and leave the king's entourage dad Annan in his Fez to Tangier "intending to visit the grave of the mother."
It is influenced by the speed, and the joy thanks to the less Inam gets it, and sadness mixed with childish Baltbaki, or anger, if not impressed by him one. What do you think of a man hardly adds a human being, but has become the dearest friend of his, even if it entered the city did not deliver him one for not knowing it, "find it in himself what does not have with him a history lesson, Victd crying to feel the condition of some pilgrims. Viqubl it peace and Alaenas. "And the vulnerability of this, that the outcome of the speed of insensitivity, any approval of the ethics of the man to the ethics of the country descending it, show us back Ibn Battuta paradox of his family, and residence in a foreign country with him, which is what we knew the severity of attachment, paper emotions. It is fast familiariIbn Battuta travelers: Ibn Battuta made three trips wide, Gap where the country's most well-known globe in his time:
First flight: (1325 1349) to leave Tangier, meaning Mecca Fjab country Marrakech, Algeria, and Tunisia, and Tripoli, and Egypt marched from Cairo to Upper Egypt until Aivab, intending to sail from there to the Hijaz. And what can not be traveling by sea, because of the war between Abajh and Mamluks, returned to Egypt, and continued his journey through Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria, Valhijaz. Straddle the first time and gone to Iraq, and the Persians, and the country Alonadon. And returned them to the Hijaz, Straddle seconds, and Gower in Mecca two years (1328 1329).
And then left the Hijaz, meaning Yemen, by piece to the East African. He then returned Mara in southern Arabian Peninsula, until he reached the Persian Gulf visiting Oman, Hormuz, and Bahrain, and Al-Ahsa. From there, he returned to the Hijaz, Straddle third.
Then leave Mecca, Egypt, slipping again. And returned to Palestine, Lebanon, and the country's Alawites, and Anatolia, and the country Algarim. Then accompanied the Princess Greek woman Sultan Mehmet Azibk to Constantinople, sued them for. He returned to India Mara Bjuzm, and Khorasan, and Turkistan, Afghanistan, and Sindh. And resided in Dehli two years, a judge for the suzerainty Mohammed Shah, the Maliki school.
It was this that the Sultan wanted to send a mission to the king of China, Fravgaha Ibn Battuta even Vebh deadlines Islands, where he stayed a judge year and a half. And left, then, to the island of Ceylon, and Almlbar, and Bengal, India and Algeria, and China.
Then he moved to the Arab countries through Sumatra, sat down in the month of Muharram Dhofar 748 (April 1347).
Having visited the country once again Persians, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine, a fourth pilgrimage to Mecca and finally returned to his country Mara in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, bringing to Fez in the November 8, 1349.
Second flight: (1350 1351), and has not long left until Fez to Tangier Andalusia Famer, and Ceuta and Gibraltar, Malaga and Granada. Then he returned to Fez.
Third flight: (1353 1354), visited on this trip important country Sudan beginner Bsgelmash, Vtghaza, and Aewalatn, and Zaggrey, and Carsgu, Mali, Tnbugtwa, and Takeda, and the country Hecar. Then he returned to his headquarters in Fez.
Ibn Battuta lived, after his travels, in a footnote to the King Abi Annan tells people what he saw of the wonders and curiosities in the morality of the people and their habits, and Hall creations of plant and animal and human. Many people accept it was wondering these things, and it was some criticism of the prosecutor Akzbonh, Vinhahm Others refute things do not know what they are something. The best illustration of this case Ibn Battuta was narrated by Ibn Khaldun in his introduction, when he said:
"Lord, Morocco, to the reign of Sultan Abu Annan, of the kings of Bani Marin, a man from the chiefdom Tangier, known as Ibn Battuta, was deported from twenty years earlier to the Orient, and the volatility in the country of Iraq, and Yemen, and India., And entered the city of Dehli, the capital of the king of India, which is Sultan Mohammed Shah. was him from the place, and was used in the plan to eliminate the doctrine Maalikis in his work. then turned to Morocco, and contact with Sultan Abu Annan. was happening about the affair his journey and what he saw from Wonderland Bmmalc Earth. and more what was happening about the state the owner of India, comes of the conditions of what surprised him hearers, such as the king of India, if it comes out to travel, counted the people of his hometown of men, women and children, and force them to Rizk six months to pay them from the tender., and that when he returned from his trip, enters into a memorable day, highlights where all people to desert country and touring it.
The focus in front of him in that field Mngeniqat on the back, thrown out sacks of dirhams and dinars on the people, to enter Aaoana. The likes of these tales. Vtnagy people Petkvebh.
"And received Ayamiz Minister Sultan Bin Fares and radar, supergroup, Vfawdth in this regard, the minister said to me ... Knight:" Beware that denounces such conditions of countries, since you have not seen ... ".
And end the Ibn Khaldun separated, saying:
"Please refer rights to the assets, but not dominant on himself, and distinguishing between the nature of the possible and omission, explicitly his mind, and straight Aftrth. What income in the range of places before him, and went out with him rejected. Rather Mradna places mental absolute, the scope of the broadest something does not impose a limit between well-maintained, but Mradna places, according to the article that for anything. Fana If we look at the thing out., sex, and compile, and the amount of bone and strength, we had a rule of proportion to the conditions of, and to refrain judging what is out of scope. "
Ibn Khaldun was not the first to doubt the talk of Ibn Battuta. This son of the same molecule, wrote the journey, not without some doubts, has said: "The reported all reported tidbits and news, I never had to search for the fact that no test."
We can show that it reminded him of what some travelers. Exaggerations of the assets reported by Ibn Khaldun, Vnmes between the possible and the omission.
There is another measure to determine the health of the sayings Rahaltna, and the sincerity of its provisions, which is taken from an interview scientists Orientalists his statements with words travelers from their country, in an era of almost his age. Among the most famous of these travelers Italian Firescubalda (Frescobaldi), who visited Egypt in the year 1384, ie after Ibn Battuta about 60 years, and was the movement of boats on the Nile has subsided landing Egypt about the degree of prosperity high which delivers it to the Sultan Mohammed bin Qalawun The Ibn Battuta says: "The Nile boats in thirty-six thousand of the Sultan and the parish level to pass upward sloping to Alexandria and Damietta, "a number that is almost doubted the authenticity of the first glance. But we see the Italian traveler says: "He was in Cairo a great number of boats even if he collected all the boats I've seen in Genoa and Venice, Ancona, regardless of the boat and Alqntrtin, what equaled one-third of the boats ... I've seen here."
Eight Ibn Battuta estimated Alsagaúan beauty in Egypt twelve thousand tanker took part, and Almakarin thirty thousand. If we met his estimation mentioned Firescubalda see more Italian exaggeration, since he estimated the number of camels and animals, which transported water in the city, a hundred and thirty thousand.
Some of them have been taken to Ibn Battuta frequent listed miracles and wonders and miracles, and overstated. If we knew what the mentality traveler on his journey, and the severity of his piety and worship, and his willingness to see the wonders of all Crown Antiques worshiper, our understanding of the large number of news dignities in his book. This, apart from that a lot of them did not visibly, but Roy watched him, Fastsab deny the guardians of God, and saw the boldness of his health in doubt, Froah on Alath. So the story of Jamal al-Din Alsawi, clean-shaven beard, and Anbath beard beautiful black, the other white Vlhah, Faraguah Hliqa not his hair, which you see in the article "Damietta."
On this loader should carry a lot of Almruyat for the kings of India and Sudan, and strange habits, such as cited by Ibn Khaldun. It does not rule out the occurrence once, after the great victory achieved by the King in celebration of a rare or has done, and have agreed that the presence of Ibn Battuta in Hadharth, marveled him. He was told he was being whenever King came out, and Avcjara request of Fame. Voorda such as news macroscopic.
And so it is difficult to accuse Ibn Battuta misrepresentation and fraudulent intent, a man does not feel at every line we read him, but naively and simply Navian every scam. If you forgot the name of the man or the place does not invent a name for him, as you might do than be his main concern only entertain the reader, but says simply that he forgot it, as happened to him in "Fort Kurds," he said, "and landed at the judge does not realize now named" In a country in Sudan after Timbuktu, he said: "then I arrived to the country Did you forget his name," and so forth of the things that show his sincerity, so that Dozy (Dozy) called it: "This traveler Secretary."
The illusion of what we see in the order of a few shops, mixing between sites, as happened to him in the lakes pearls and tennis, or geographical error like the status of the Orontes in Aleppo, it can be explained that Ibn Battuta was his first trip in his memoirs, after traveling from Bukhari. And supports our saying that this frequency does not exceed the first section of the trip, and had passed on the Ibn Battuta more than twenty years, when spelled him.
That remained in the Ibn Battuta tell about the country of India and China, the Chinese illusions and errors and omissions many may not agree and the Secretariat of the description. It is noted Orientalist Gabriel Fran (Ferrand), a specialist on China and so forth, criticized the traveler, even almost for sure that the Ibn Battuta never stopped in his journey to these parts.
Perhaps no more than an olive, and Canton. Whatever the case is, do not think that the moon sighting Ibn Battuta equivalent to answer prospects, and Majahl astronauts, scientists of our time. Ibn Battuta is not a scientist nor a thinker. That is the only traveler, plenty of mind, interested in new strange, sees regions divergent, and Peoples disparate, and kings and princes different, and scientists and Senate renowned, and is well-known, depicts all inter acceptable, and impressive naive, and noted humorist is not without sometimes the accuracy of view. It, like this, in the introduction to Rahalin. Nor indispensable in improving the knowledge of geography and cashed for drought maps and lines to the vicinity of the diverse life.
Flight: Ibn al-molecule August Ibn Battuta dictated by the transfer of the meanings of the trip, "the words of Sheikh verbally Movih for the purposes intended by ... and perhaps reported to the word and put it on." If you can not say that the entire journey from the establishment of Ibn Battuta, it is not the whole of the establishment son molecule.
As waving to us that the book's introduction, and conclusion, and every introduction to describe the big city, to create son molecule because of the large number of stylization and assonance apparent affectation sometimes, especially the son molecule was assisted greatly trip Ibn Jubayr, which are many and assonance ample stylization, has been transferred them whole sections, especially in the cities job description.
In what only so the journey easy method, naive expression, so it is the juxtaposition of markedly bad sometimes. Seems free of the art of composition and arrangement, which is difficult in the art of writing of this kind, subject to review and trilling.
Orientalists have cared much attention journey of Ibn Battuta, and sought to copy the original mouth find only a brief first discovered by the tourist Burkhardt (Burckhardt), show, with the World Citizen (Seetzen), the value of this important author. Then discovered Orientalist Kosgartin (Kosegarten), then a second copy Vtorgom them to the Latin language as specialized traveled Ibn Battuta, to Africa, and Persia, and the countries of the Tatars, and Algeria, and dissemination of the year 1818 and has been translated Orientalist obits (Apetz) into Latin also, Department of the flight concerned AQIM Almlbar, 1819.
In the year 1829 translated section and plenty of the journey to the English pastor Samuel Lee (Rev.Samuel Lee), and printed in London and then the father Mora (P. Jose de Santo-Antonio Moura) Portuguese, Vtorgom part of them to the Portuguese language, and reprinted in Lisbon Year in 1840.
After that, the some scientists French Vtorgomoa different sections of the journey Tabauha in Paris, including Orientalist Baron de Ceylon (de Slane), printed translation of the journey to the country of Sudan in the Asian Journal Year 1843 and orientalist Edward de Loret (Dulaurier), printed translation of the journey to the Islands India, in the same journal the year 1847 and then Orientalist Dwremera (Defremrey), Aftba translations of the sections of the journey to the Persians, and Asia medium, and Algarim, and Asia Minor, and Iraq, and Khorasan, 1847, and 1850 and 1851, and then print the relevant section in Morocco with translated German in 1866, in Ausalla, carefully Elmquist (Almpuist)
The more scientists applicants think that the manual Almkhv first is the work of Ibn molecule until I discovered the original line of the writer, and discovered many copies of others, Vqhoblt to each other, and printed the whole for the first time, with a translation of the full language Afrencoah and some of the footnotes, in Paris in 1853 1859 , in four volumes, carefully Orientalists Dwremera and Sanguente (C. Defremery et le Dr. Br Sanguinetti) and then printed a third edition in 1893.
It is the journey translations German translation published Orientalist Magique (Mzik), in Hamburg in 1911 and 1912 Turkish translation of its name "calendar and facts", and the translation of Indian BLM convicted Kubala printed in Varanasi, in 1932.
For the perfect trip, several editions are all derived from the Arabic Edition Parisian. We have been dedicated Pedersha, and the election of the texts of which, three parts of "masterpieces" appeared in Beirut in 1927.
Called the trip "a masterpiece of the principals in the oddity of the regions, and the wonders of travel." And divided into two parts, the first of which ends with the arrival of Ibn Battuta to the Indus River, Bing August, in the last 734 years of the argument (August 1334.
And put son molecule addresses some important issues, but it did not prevail.
There is no room to simplify in the value of this trip, and was produced for the world of geographic information, and to read and benefit from the thrill of Mtadben, The Citizen said, the famous traveler, which is to say:
"A traveler in a European in this day and age can be proud that he devoted much of this time, which is half human life, in order to attend such a number of countries abysmal, and that courage is not undeterred thing, and bear the hardships many? But any European nation was able, for five centuries ago, eject passengers scouring the areas of foreign, such independence in judgment, and such ability to control, and with such precision in writing the notes, which was characterized by the Sheikh Marrakech famous, in two volumes of his book? his information from many of the provinces African unknowns, and River Niger, and the country Zinj (Zanzibar), etc ..., not less useful information Lyon African Lama geographic Arab countries, and steam, and Kabul, and Kandahar, they benefit greatly from the book, even to tell him about India, Ceylon, and Sumatra, and China, it the duty of the Englishmen India to read it with special interest. "
As the Ibn Battuta first traveler to the heart of Africa and we have received his information, this information was the value of great substance, because the author Jaap Africa from north to south, from east to north-west, was what he wrote at least, in most points, from the statements of Rahala our scientists.ty, as well as a quick oblivion.
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